Author: Alice Christina

Hi everyone! My name is Alice and I'm an avid fitness enthusiast with a passion for health and wellbeing. From HIIT workouts to yoga, I'm devoted to exploring different aspects of health fitness. My mission is to spread the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and to motivate others to prioritize their health. Join me on my journey and follow along to stay motivated and to get tips on how to achieve your own health fitness goals.

Vitamin B 12 Test is one of the common tests to check for anemia. It is a simple blood test that can help diagnose anemia caused by Vitamin B 12 deficiency. However, there are other causes of anemia, and a Vitamin B 12 Test is not always necessary. In this blog post, we will explore whether a Vitamin B 12 Test is required for anemia or not. Let us start! What is Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia? Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is a condition in which your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your…

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Blood can disclose details about the functional ability of an organ, food intake, metabolic activities, ailments, and related diseases. It can reveal a great deal about your habits and lifestyle. Hence, physicians advise you to go to a blood test clinic in London. Medical experts can identify a disease by checking the blood. Moreover, they give you the reasons for feeling unwell, lately. Sometimes, undergoing a blood test can be stressful for individuals, mainly kids, if they are doing it for the first time. Therefore, it’s obvious to have any queries about the test and its outcomes. Today, let us…

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Do you know what to do after receiving an abnormal Pap smear result? Now you need to do the test every year. A time will come when the doctor will suggest you perform a colposcopy for a better view of the cervix. Remember, colposcopy is useful for patients as it can offer a better cervical view. As a result, doctors can closely observe the cervix with potential changing possibilities in the tissues and cells. As you can get on your nerves after the suggestion, it is better to gain some knowledge on colposcopy procedures from this blog. What is the…

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Did you conceive recently? If yes, then the date of your first pregnancy ultrasound is what you are eagerly looking forward. There is a great chance to get hold of a glimpse of your little one. Though ultrasound seems to be really exciting, they are an important diagnostic medical procedure that will keep you and your would-be-born baby safe during the pregnancy period. There are times when ultrasound seems to be stressful for parents, when they diagnose some issue in pregnancy or baby. Purpose of Ultrasound in Pregnancy With ultrasound, you can see the images of your baby’s body and…

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When you do not take hormonal birth control pills, it is nothing uncertain to find changes in your body. Though some of these effects can be recognized by the gynaecologists, there is a debate over post-birth control syndrome. Go through this blogpost to know everything starting from its symptoms to possible treatments. About post-birth control syndrome Post-birth control syndrome is some symptoms which arise from 4 to 6 months after you discontinue your oral contraceptives. Different birth control methods The symptoms are found in people who discuss about a birth control pill. But any kind of hormonal contraceptive such as…

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Aside from vegetables, fruits are incredibly beneficial to the human body. In fact, they may even have more health benefits than vegetables. These fruits are load with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Aside from preventing disease, eating fruits regularly may also help you lose weight. Read on to find out! List below are 10 fruits that have incredible health benefits. Pomegranates Originally from northern India, pomegranates are now grow in California and other places across the world. They are delicious in salads, yogurt, and even as desserts. They are also available as juice, which offers a number of health benefits.…

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Ureaplasma bacteria are present in your urinary tract and genitals. They usually do not cause any harm though there might be a link between Ureaplasma infection and infertility. There are at-home testing kits available but anyone who has this infection need to consult with the doctor. Go through this blogpost to know about the symptoms of an infection, who need to undergo a test and much more. About Ureaplasma Ureaplasma are bacteria and regular part of microbiome of your body. They belong to a group of bacteria known as Mycoplasma and they usually do not cause any problems. The bacteria…

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Kegel exercises strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle It’s important to remember that these exercises are primarily targeted at the bulbocavernosus muscle. Try not to hold your breath while performing these exercises or use other muscles for support. Try to complete three sets of ten repetitions a day, increasing the duration of each contraction to eight to ten seconds each time. Do not forget to alternate between short and long squeezes, as this will help your body become stronger in general. Fildena 200 mg, a medication for male erectile dysfunction, is now available. Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the pubococcygeus The first step…

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What Vitamins Are Know For Treating Erectile Dysfunction? We’ll cover Niacin, Bioflavonoids, Citrulline, and Arginine. Niacin is one of the most widely use vitamins and has been shown to improve erectile function in men. But does it really work? It doesn’t have all the answers, but it does seem to help with many men’s problems. Citrulline A good source of citrulline is Omega-3 fatty acids. A supplement that contains this vitamin may help treat erectile dysfunction issue. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They also promote better blood flow. Vitamin E is also helpful in treating erectile dysfunction…

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The inability to achieve and maintain a sufficient erection for sex is referred to as erectile dysfunction. Having erection problems every now and then isn’t cause for concern. However, if ED is a chronic issue, it can cause stress, influence fearlessness, and exacerbate relationship issues. So problems obtaining or maintaining an erection can also be an indication of a hidden ailment that requires treatment, as well as a risk factor for coronary disease. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction or male impotence then you can take Vidalista 20mg. Penis Flabby and Erect If you are concerned about impotence,…

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